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Life Is A Simulation Prison! – Death, Parallel Universes, Spacetime & Consciousness wondered if we’re living in a simulation? Or questioned the true potential of AI and its consciousness? In today’s episode of Impact Theory, Donald Hoffman, a cognitive scientist and consciousness expert, is here to challenge your understanding of reality and consciousness. Hoffman’s proposed theory of consciousness flips your everyday assumptions about what reality is …

What To Know About Project 2025 is a clear and planned takeover of the American government by people who no longer want to work under a functioning democracy but some form of authoritarian, kleptocratic, theocracy and the Republican Party are on board for all of it. If you don’t know about Project 2025 go back and listen to the top …

Navy pilots describe encounters with UFOs

Bill Whitaker reports on the regular sightings of unidentified aerial phenomena, or UAP, that have spurred a report due to Congress next month. Now we have one of the most respected longest airing news reporting agencies that are actually reporting on this unknown phenomenon.  Even the US Government is telling us they really don’t have …

UFO Expert EXPOSES Never-Before-Seen Video | The Proof Is Out There Rich Hoffman is a UFO expert with over 50 years of experience. He recalls his experience conducting an extensive investigation into a mysterious UFO spotted in Puerto Rico, in this clip from Season 1, “Deep Sea Sounds and Phantom Ships.” What are these things? Why is it that nobody has any idea what they are …

The Many Worlds of the Quantum Multiverse | Space Time Is our universe a definitive single reality or is it merely one within an infinitely branching multiverse? Have you ever wondered what is the universe really all about? Why is it here? Why are we here? Maybe you are asking the wrong questions. Now time to even be more confused. Proceed if you dare! …