Category «Uncategorized»

What To Know About Project 2025 is a clear and planned takeover of the American government by people who no longer want to work under a functioning democracy but some form of authoritarian, kleptocratic, theocracy and the Republican Party are on board for all of it. If you don’t know about Project 2025 go back and listen to the top …

Jordan Klepper Debates Anti-Vax Mandate Protesters in NYC Is it fascism? Is it communism? It is somehow both? Jordan Klepper hits the streets of NYC to see why some people are up in arms about the new vaccine mandate. The anti-vaxers and maskers in NY protesting and explain their side. Let’s hear what they have to say and the point they make. 

Doomsday Clock moved to just two minutes to apocalypse

The Board of the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists has moved the clock forward 30 seconds, to put it the closest it’s been to the apocalypse since 1953. What? I did not even know there was doomsday clock. Let alone scientists keeping track of it. This is something published by some conspiracy theorist but legitimate well …

4 Signs Of A Heart Attack You Should Know About

ADVERTISEMENT The 4 Important Signs Your Are Having A Heart Attack You Should Know About & How To Prevent It From Happening A revelation in heart health is exposed by this famous heart health doctor. With over 44 years of medical experience he will explain the 4 warning signs of a  heart attack, and the …